
Payouts $$$

Make $$$ with your Ladyboy Traffic with high payouts per country. Signup now to start making $$$.

Premium Countries
Australia $2.00 / 1000 UV
Austria $2.00 / 1000 UV
Belgium $2.00 / 1000 UV
Canada $2.00 / 1000 UV
Denmark $2.00 / 1000 UV
Finland $2.00 / 1000 UV
France $2.00 / 1000 UV
Germany $2.00 / 1000 UV
Greece $2.00 / 1000 UV
Iceland $2.00 / 1000 UV
Ireland $2.00 / 1000 UV
Italy $2.00 / 1000 UV
Japan $2.00 / 1000 UV
Luxembourg $2.00 / 1000 UV
Netherlands $2.00 / 1000 UV
New Zealand $2.00 / 1000 UV
Norway $2.00 / 1000 UV
Singapore $2.00 / 1000 UV
Spain $2.00 / 1000 UV
Sweden $2.00 / 1000 UV
Switzerland $2.00 / 1000 UV
United States $2.00 / 1000 UV
United Kingdom $2.00 / 1000 UV
UK $2.00 / 1000 UV
Other Countries
All Other Countries $0.10 / 1000 UV
Bonus Payouts $$$
25000 UV / day + 2%
50000 UV / day + 4%
100000 UV / day + 6%